New Year New Job
What resolutions or goals did you make in 2023? Travel plans? Working out more? Learning a new hobby? Finding a new job? Each of these goals require some amount of preparation and planning in order to be successful. Soft skills, like interviewing, can help you to achieve at least one of these goals.
Interviewing can be seen as an intimidating task. In a recent study mentioned by Forbes, researchers learned that 92% of Americans find at least one thing in an interview process stressful. This is not a surprise to any of us right? Interviews can be intimidating but with the right preparation you can be empowered to crush your next interview. Teresa talks about interview tips in her new book. Here are a few to help you in your next interview this year…
1) Answer the question being asked: if that is not clear enough – ANSWER THE QUESTION BEING ASKED! People do not want to hunt for the truth in your answer and they don’t want to hear your life story either. Take the clues and jump on those pain points.
2) Bring your best self to the interview: this means dressing up head-to-toe. It helps your mind to get in the zone and bring your A-game when you are looking sharp. First impressions are everything in an interview and it starts before “Hey, how are you?”.
3) Help connect the dots: You want to show the interviewer that you have interest in the job while allowing them to visualize you working there. Recall the description of the role and bridge your qualifications to it.
For more tips make sure to check out the book, Soft Skills I Learned the Hard Way.