Helpful Tips for Your Next Public Speech

We have been told to imagine the crowd in their underwear. We have been told to fake it until we make it. We have been told to strike a power pose. While those can be helpful to calm nerves during the speech there is so much that goes into public speaking.

Public speaking can be a stressful activity for most people. Studies show that an upwards of 77% of people experience anxiety around speaking in public. We are human and we can't expect to be ready every moment. So here are some helpful tips to take with you the next time you find yourself putting together a presentation.

  • Preparation: Think about what are you going to say? What is the bigger picture you want those listening to understand?

  • Tailor the Message: Ask yourself, what does this audience need to hear at this time? How do you want to project yourself to your listeners?

  • Practice: Stand up and say it out loud. Standing makes it feel more real and saying it out loud allows you to find different ways to say things shorter and smarter. Practice is so critical to give you the confidence you want when presenting. It shows that you are someone who knows what you want and are going places.

  • Project Confidence: Having anxiety is normal however it can be uncomfortable for an audience to watch someone who is outwardly nervous. The audience is rooting for you. Practice positive visualization. Instead of thinking about all the terrible things which could go wrong, try thinking of all the ways it could go right!


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